Testing a Laravel GraphQL Query

In this post I'm going to set up the environment to test the queries and mutations, and test the langs query. It's the same query created in the previous post Basic example Laravel + GraphQL.

Testing a Laravel GraphQL Query
Testing a Laravel GraphQL Query

Configure TestCase#

In order to test a query o mutation I'll create three functions in the file TestCase.php.

Test public queries or mutations#

To verify graphql public endpoint.

// tests/TestCase.php
public function assertJsonStructure(
string $url,
array $params,
array $expected
) {
$response = $this->json('post', $url, $params);
try {
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$this->printDie($params, $expected, $ex, $response);

Test private queries or mutations#

To verify graphql private endpoint, it need a user logged.

// tests/TestCase.php
public function assertJsonStructureLogged(
string $url,
array $params,
array $expected,
$user = null
) {
if (! $user) {
$user = UserUtil::actingAs();
$response = $this->actingAs($user)
->json('post', $url, $params)
try {
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$this->printDie($params, $expected, $ex, $response, $user->user_id);

Print the error if its fail#

If a test fail, it's easy debug in this way.

// tests/TestCase.php
private function printDie($params, $expected, \Exception $ex, $response, $user_id = null)
$content = substr($response->getContent(), 0, 1500);
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$error = [
'class' => static::class.'::'.$trace[2]['function'],
'params' => $params,
'expected' => $expected,
'user' => $user_id,
'error' => $ex->toString(),
'content' => $content,

Test LangQuery#

This is quere that I used as example in the post Basic example Laravel + GraphQL

// tests/Feature/Base/LangsQueryTest.php
class LangsQueryTest extends TestCase
public function test()
$query = '{
langs {
data {
$expected = [
'data' => [
'langs' => [
'data' => [
'*' => [
'query' => $query,

And now, just run php artisan test to test it.

If the query to test need authenticacion, you have to add the trail use WithoutMiddleware; from use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware;. You may see the code here. If you would like to see it live please go here.