Handle failed server requests with a custom exception in TypeScript

In this post I want to show you how to handle server errors like 404, 500, 403, etc. Also "Network Connection error" and validation errors u others.

Network Error
Network Error

If we have a endpoint that send data if the request is right:

id: 1,
firstName: "Albert",
lastName: "Tjornehoj",
email: "me@albertcito.com"

If the request fail, it's like that:

error: [
'The user id does not exist',

1. ErrorCodeFormat interface#

This is a basic interface that cold be used to get the server errors.

export interface ErrorCodeFormat {
networkError: boolean;
code: number;
errors: string[];

So in case of validator error the json format will be:

networkError: false,
code: 200,
errors: ['The user id does not exist'],

In case of Network Error or server error, we need to format it:

const errorFormat = (error: AxiosError): ErrorCodeFormat => ({
networkError: (error.message === 'Network Error'),
code: error.response?.status,
errors: [error.message],

2. Exception#

Now we need to create the Exception that will help us to identify if it's a validation error.

class ApiError extends Error {
constructor(public readonly error: ErrorCodeFormat) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ApiError.prototype);
public getError() {
return {
networkError: false,
code: 200,
errors: this.error.error,

3. Api function#

This function get the data from the server and always return a UserFormat or it fail.

const getUser = async (userID: number): UserFormat => {
const response = await api.post('/user', { userID });
if (payload.data.errors) {
throw new ApiError(payload.data.errors);
return response.data;

4. Function to request server data#

async function requestData<T>(
api: () => Promise<T>,
onSuccess: (response: T) => void,
onFail: (errors: ErrorCodeFormat) => void,
): Promise<void> {
try {
const payload = await api();
} catch (error) {
// This is API error, as validation form.
if (error.constructor === ApiError) {
} else {
// This is network, auth or server http status error
// The global function have to handle the error to verify authorization (401)
// and close the local session
throw error;

5. Try it#

() => getUser(1),
(user) => console.log('That works fine ๐ŸŽ‰', user),
(error) => console.log('Something wrong happened ๐Ÿ˜ฑ', error),